Expert Testimony & Litigation Experience

[other than with Halliburton/KBR Law Dept.]

Wright & Associates PM Group, Inc.

1995 – [Confidential] Wright served as Owner’s expert in Texas State Civil Court matter against Contractor who walked off job prior to completion. Testified to industry standard practice re: project completion requirements, certain criteria re: acceptable work quality, and to contractor’s misrepresentations re: CPM scheduling. Owner received substantial award.

1997- [Confidential] Wright served as Owner’s expert in binding arbitration, testifying to industry standard practices re: ownership of risk in construction costs resulting from unforseen delays.

FTI Consulting

2007 – [Confidential] Wright served as testifying expert for Defendant in US Civil Court in Missouri opposing Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel Discovery, which claimed the burden of demanded discovery was not unduly great. Wright developed and published a report showing the range of possible cost of production was in fact much greater than Plaintiff’s claim.

At the hearing, Plaintiff did not contest the report’s conclusions, and the Court ordered Defendant’s proposed sampling approach, thus saving Defendant ~ $2MM in discovery costs.

Wright Consulting PLLC

2008 – [Confidential] Wright served as Plaintiff’s expert in US Civil Court wrongful death matter. Defendant had resisted discovery of records highly relevant to the cause of the deaths, claiming they were inaccessible due to being in corporate databases.

Testified multiple times before Special Master how such records could be readily retrieved from such databases. The Special Master ordered the parties to go to defendant’s Corporate HQ and, using Wright’s proposed approach & criteria, search the subject databases for subsequent production.

After production, Wright tutored Plaintiff’s legal team in the use of a hosted search platform [Relativity], and performed specific searches, resulting in the discovery of multiple “smoking guns”.

The matter was subsequently settled to the Plaintiffs’ satisfaction.

The attorney who engaged Wright, a former Judge, subsequently was elected to the Texas Appellate Court.

2009- [Confidential] Assisted Plaintiff’s Counsel in responding to broad discovery demands by defendant in this ~$50MM Product Liability matter related to Hurricane Ike. Assisted with responses to demands, developed plan for collection of relevant ESI [Electronically Stored Information] from multiple sources, search and extraction of discoverable ESI and production thereof.

2017- [Confidential] – Assisted Plaintiff’s Counsel with multi-national matter in US Court in NYC with Defendant’s resistance to produce their IT staff for depositions, only allowing CIO to be deposed.

Using Defendant’s CIO deposition, Wright developed and produced a report identifying numerous instances wherein it was clear that the CIO lacked specific technical knowledge to answer numerous questions relevant to discovery, demonstrating the need for IT staff deposition[s].